Cash or Cheque

In Person:
102 Griffin Road, Balgonie

Balgonie Baptist Church
Box 436
Balgonie, SK    S0G 0E0

Please do not mail cash.

If you would like to have somebody come to your place to pick up your donation, contact us.


On your financial institution's app, you can etransfer your donation to

In the "Message" or "Notes" section, let us know how you'd like your donation designated.  By default, it goes to the General Fund.

Designated Funds:

  • General Fund (undesignated contributions)
  • Refugee Sponsorship
  • Building Fund (mortgage pay down)
* Funds designated for a certain project or ministry will be used for that project or ministry. The donor gives the Deacon Board authority to use any remaining funds for other similar purposes if the project or ministry is fully funded or if it cannot be reasonably carried out.

Easy Plan Giving / Automatic Withdrawal

Please e-mail the following information to

  • Name (s) (all names joined with the account).
  • Address
  • City
  • Postal Code
  • Phone numbers 
  • e-mail

Scan and e-mail a void cheque or provide the following banking information:

  • Branch / Transit #
  • Institution #
  • Account #

Specify the fund(s) you'd like your donation to go to and the withdrawal day (i.e. 1st, 15th, 25th).
Sign and date the request.